Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, Sept. 3

Wow, where does the time go?  We have already had 13 days of school!  Tonight is the Rebel's first home football game of the season, and it finally feels like football weather!  We had a minor "flood" when some of the water from Rebel and Jackrabbit's fish tank bubbled over.  It took a day to dry out the carpet.  Don't worry, Jackrabbit and Rebel are doing fine :)  This class loves books and reading, they can't wait to share a book with the class!  It's exciting to see them growing in their confidence to read in just 13 days!  In Math we have been working on building groups of 9, 10, 11, 12,  recognizing the word names, and forming the numbers correctly.  We are wrapping up talking about our families with a discussion of how each student can give a "helping hand" at home.  Remember no school on Monday.  See you Tuesday.  Go Rebels!!

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