Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5

Wow, have we been reading!!!   This afternoon the kids passed 300 AR tests!!  We have completed 302 AR Tests as independant readers with 96.5% correct!!  On Monday we will discuss how we would like to CELEBRATE this accomplishment! 

Right now I am having the kids work a lot on fluency and expression.  When we have our reader of the day we talk about fluency and expression.  Do the words flow together at a rate we understand.  Make sure you have practiced your book many times so you can make the words flow with expression to keep your audience interested.

Through the Daily 5 and CAFE Menu we have introduced 2 reading strategies:  Check for Understanding and Cross-Checking.  These strategies are being modeled and practiced through Guided Reading Books, AR Books, and the Daily 5. 

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